Hello & welcome to another fortnightly GK Nugget. It’s the last Sunday of February and the week has seen multiple messages being sent on Whatsapp about how all groups will be shut for maintenance on the 29 th , 30 th & 31 st of this month. It takes a second for it to register that this month has only 28 days, and 29 days in a leap year. So today I’m bringing you some cool trivia about the 29 th of February . Now, as is general knowledge, a leap year has 366 days as opposed to a normal year which has 365 days. A leap year occurs every four years to help synchronize the calendar year with the solar year, or the length of time it takes the earth to complete its orbit about the sun, which is about 365¼ days . The Roman calendar used to have 355 days with an extra 22-day month every two years until Julius Caesar became emperor in the 1st Century and ordered his Alexandrian astronomer Sosigenes to devise something better. Sosigenes decided on a 365-day year with a...