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Why is a Tweet restricted to 140 characters?

This week I'd like to share some information about the social media space.

If you are an active user of Twitter, you would have noticed a recent announcement by the company. Twitter will very soon lift the 140 characters limit on your tweet. Usernames, media files, etc will not be counted in the character limit, which will allow Tweeters to make use of more characters to express themselves.
But have you ever wondered why tweets on Twitter are restricted to 140 characters?
Well, Jack Dorsey (Founder of Twitter) said in a 2009 interview to LA Times that when Twitter was launched in March 2006, it mainly worked by sending SMSes from 1 mobile to another, so the company had to ensure that each tweet would fit in 1 SMS to make it easy for messages to be exchanged. Since SMS has a limit of 160 characters, the guys at Twitter stuck to 140 characters,  leaving 20 characters for the user name.

But wait a minute, then why does an SMS have a limit of 160 characters?

That's all thanks to German communications researcher Friedhelm Hillebrand, who analysed various forms of message, including his own writing, telex messages and postcards, and figured that the average message would comfortably fit within 160 characters.
He was the chairman of the non-voice services committee for the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) & when they defined their Short Messaging Service (SMS) standard in 1985, Hillebrand recommended that 160 characters was sufficient.

And the rest, as they say, is history :)