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daily musings 16 Apr 2023

Meditation Vs long distance running

Many people have spoken about the benefits of meditation, scientific journals have published findings and daily rituals of the most accomplished men and women mostly have meditation as one of the common things they do.

But I genuinely believe that long distance running is a kind of meditation in itself. 

But wait, I don't mean the kind of running when you have earphones plugged in listening to music, podcast, or audio books or the kind of run when you're constantly chatting with other runners as you complete the kilometres. (Hats off to that btw; how do you have the stamina to run and talk at the same time?)

I mean the kind of run where the run is lost in the world inside his or herself, the kind where all you're focused on is the sound of your feet hitting the road and your breathing. That utter concentration, that focus on making yourself continue to put one foot ahead of the other as your get to your running goal - that's also a meditation in itself.

So the next time someone asks me what do I think of when I run, or don't I get bored of long distance running, I'll just say for me, running is the new meditation.