Empathy in MNC employees
Why am I specifically saying MNC employees?
If you're friends with people who work in large global corporations you probably enjoy their company. They have money to spend, like the good life, have stories from around the world to tell you, etc, etc.
If you're working with these same people, the story might not be the same.
Aren't corporate memes based on these kind of people? The one's about the mismatch in the expectation and reality of clients, about HR insensitivity or about letting your life's big decisions be decided by the mood of your boss on a random day.
Why is it that loving humans suddenly turn to Mr. Hyde when they are at work? As a friend/relative you're loving and caring; as a boss/client you're oblivious to the feelings, timelines and even lives of others.
Is it that we are in just a mad rat race that we want things done ASAIWT (as soon as I want it)?
Is it that we are eloquent about raving about the benefits of collaboration and co-operation and importance of the ecosystem, but equally blind to the realistic timelines of these collaborators, co-operators and members of the ecosystem?
Or is it that we have placed ourself on such a high pedestal that anyone that we/our company is paying is assumed to be our bonded slave and should, when we say 'jump', respond with 'how high?'
And the irony is most of these people work for companies that continuously talk about how they look after employee wellbeing, how employees are number 1, about the numerous CSR initiatives they run, etc.
Maybe what needs to be looked into is how humane are their employees with one another and with their vendors. That would be a ratings index this world could do with.